What If Your Prescription Were To Eat A Radish?

While shopping the other day, I saw some beautifully red radishes and immediately had a craving to eat some.

Sounds a little strange, but I bought just three and ate one as soon as I got home (and it was delicious!).

radish (1).jpg

I know that our bodies will crave a certain food when they need nourished and are lacking in a certain vitamin or nutrient (this is NOT the same as "craving" pizza or ice cream...........).

This set me out to research the radish, what nutrients it contains, and what health issues it can help with.

The results I found were definitely AMAZING for something so simple as a radish.

Here is what I found:

1. Protects liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers

2. Protects kidneys by washing away toxins

3. Decreases toxins in the blood

4. Lowers blood pressure due to their potassium content

5. Treats fever by lowering body temperature and inflammation

6. Relieves constipation and diarrhea

7. Improves cardiovascular system

8. Treats urinary disorders

9. Prevents hemorrhoids

10. Treats jaundice

11. Treats cancer (especially colon, kidney, intestinal, stomach, and oral):



Rich in Vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Anthocyanins

12. Treats Leucoderma (white patches and de-pigmentation of the skin)

13. Aids in digestion

14. Treats respiratory conditions (they are anti-congestive)

15. Controls diabetes

16. Boosts immunity

17. Treats insect bites

18. Keeps you hydrated

19. Helps with weight loss

20. Provides skin care

21. Good treatment for:





Sore Throat

Whooping cough

Gastric problems



22. In addition to potassium, Vitamin C, and Folic Acid, they also contain phosphorous, zinc, and B Vitamins (and other vitamins and nutrients)


So how much healthier would we be if when dealing with any of the above issues, our prescription was to go home and eat a radish??

Sounds simple and amazing and so much less complicated than all of the synthetic medications we are surrounded by.

Add some radishes to your diet and begin to experience their benefits 😊

You can learn how to use food as medicine in our online Detox & Health Building Courses (Three levels) available here:




Source: https://www.gafee.org/online-courses#/deto...