What Does it Mean to be a Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)?

What does it mean to be a Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)?

One aspect of consulting with and advising clients is giving them recommendations that speak directly to what they are dealing with right in the moment.

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For example, a client recently contacted one of our Holistic Health Advisors and said they were experiencing hair loss as a COVID-19 recovery symptom.

The HHA was able to make the recommendation of addressing this issue both internally and externally.

Internally, the recommendation was to start taking a hair growth herbal supplement (https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/hairfluence-60-capsules/zhu1001?mr:trackingCode=B51D8296-0DBA-E911-8102-00505694403D&mr:referralID=NA&sourceType=sc&source=SHOP&acqsource=adlucent&store=529&gclid=CjwKCAiAsaOBBhA4EiwAo0_AnEgl5vXhHAQflZ6NT_BLQwWssOmOVXHj4oDRDwzbP36nJ8v1vgi3fRoCr-kQAvD_BwE).

Externally, the recommendation was to start using a hair loss shampoo that includes Rosemary Essential Oil as an ingredient (https://www.amazon.com/.../ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc...)

This is an example of what it means to be an HHA! You are always there for your clients, you are trained to address their personal and changing needs, and you can make recommendations based on those needs and your training and expertise.

And what’s the best part? You can consult from anywhere in the world!! Work with your clients through a phone call, a text, Zoom, or any other communication avenue.

Be your own boss, set your own hours, and help people in the process

Sound amazing??

You can purchase our Online Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) Certificate Course here:


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Source: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/cov...