relaxation massage (RM) certificate course
(Classroom Course)
earn your relaxation massage (rm) certificate in 3 months
Classes meet one weekend a month for three months
Registration Fee: $75
Tuition: $1500 (Weekly and Monthly Payment Plans available)
Manuals: $60
Personal Sessions: $150
Massage Table: $200
Clock Hours: 75 (43.5 in the Classroom, 31.5 Home Study)
Overview: This course teaches a basic understanding of simple massage protocols to be used to provide relaxation and stress relief.
Our curriculum focuses on both teaching basic anatomy & physiology as it applies to muscles and the human skeleton and how they move in the body.
This program provides step-by-step demonstrations and guidance by seasoned licensed massage professionals with hands-on practice time provided in the classroom and required documented practice time outside of the classroom.
Weekend One:
Foundational Information
Anatomy & Physiology
Proper Draping & Positioning Techniques
Basic Massage Strokes
Setting Your Fulcrums
Supine Position Bodywork Protocol
Prone Position Bodywork Protocol
60 Minute Massage Protocol
Body Mechanics
Client Assessment
Weekend Two:
Review 60 Minute Massage
Review Client Assessment
Contraindications & Precautions
Creams and Lotions
Clinicals (Saturday)
Defining Professionalism
Attention to Detail
Effective Listening
Emotions and Massage
Scope of Practice
Chair Massage
Weekend Three:
Starting Your Practice
Clinicals (Saturday)
Draping Exam
Written Exam
Elevator Speech
Additional Techniques
Massage Exam on Faculty
Certificate Presentations!
Students are required to complete FOUR Clinical Sessions for this Course
Clinicals are held on the 3rd and 5th days of class
Students will see two clients each of these days
Students are required to find clients for these sessions
These “clients” can be family members, friends, or acquaintances
There is a charge of $20 for each session to be paid by the Client to the School
GAFEE understands that some students live out town and travel to class, which may make it difficult to find clients for clinicals
GAFEE does have a list of people we can contact to try and fill in these gaps
We do however ask that students make every attempt to find Clinicals clients as this is often the first step to help students begin to build their practice
Specific details for Clinicals will be given on the first day of RM class
* Students must attend all three weekends to fulfill requirements
* Any time missed (late/tardy/hours or days missed) must be made up with the Instructor. Instructor will directly charge the student an hourly rate for make-up time (typically $35-$45/hour)
* Practice Sessions: Students will be required to perform 20 documented home practice sessions which must be completed to obtain course certificate (25 hours)
* Personal Sessions: Students are required to receive two (2) one-hour sessions from two different Massage Therapists (either Relaxation or Therapeutic Massage). Payment for these sessions will go directly to the Massage Practitioner or Therapist
* Home study assignments/reading: 6.5 hours
* Evaluations: Anatomy Quizzes at the end of each class and a final examination. Draping exam. Written exam. Faculty bodywork exam.
* Student must fulfill ALL requirements and be current in their payment plan to obtain Course Certificate
Required Books:
Human Anatomy Coloring Book (ISBN-10: 0-486-24138-6)
An Introduction to Relaxation Massage (RM) (Provided by GAFEE)
Additional Information:
Massage Tables: Students are required to purchase their own massage table and bring it each month to class
**This Program qualifies the student to register as a masseuse/masseur with their local government. Additional Application and FBI background check fees apply and are payable directly to the local licensing bureau/police. At the time of this publication, the average cost of this registration and FBI fees are approximately $150.00. Students are highly encouraged to obtain their masseuse/masseur registration and should discuss registration regulations for the State of Ohio with the Instructor.**