Polarity reflexology (PR) certificate course
(Classroom Course)
earn your polarity reflexology (PR) certificate in 5 months
Classes meet one weekend a month for five months
Registration Fee: $75
Tuition: $2000 (Weekly and Monthly payment plans available)
Manuals: $110
Personal Sessions: $150
Massage Table: $200
Clock Hours: 100 (72.5 in the Classroom, 27.5 Home Study)
Overview: Polarity Reflexology is an energy-based modality that is founded on the theories and principles of Polarity Therapy.
Polarity Reflexology (PR) utilizes a variety of techniques to restore balance to the entire body through working on the feet. Polarity Reflexology teaches the specific elemental (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) reflex points on the feet and their correlation to specific organs, body systems, energetic systems, and energy currents found in and around the body.
Polarity Reflexology is the perfect fusion between working with both the physical and the energetic bodies.
Students will learn the inner connection of the body, to assess where tension is being held in the body, specific reflexology techniques that will balance the elements and promote relaxation, foot exercises, body mechanics, and how to successfully work with clients.
Learn how to positively impact the whole body through working on the feet!
Weekend One:
Foundational Information
Introduction to Energy
Elemental Assessment
Introduction to the Feet
General Reflexology Techniques
Foot Anatomy
Foot Exercises
Polarity Reflexology Charts
Basic Session Protocol
Weekend Two:
The Earth Element
Guided Imagery
Earth Element Polarity Exercises
Earth Element Anatomy: Orthodox & Energetic
Earth Element Protocol
Clinicals (2 clients on Saturday)
The Water Element
Guided Imagery
Water Element Polarity Exercises
Water Element Anatomy: Orthodox & Energetic
Water Element Protocol
Chakra Packet
Vibrational Frequencies
Weekend Three:
The Fire Element
Guided Imagery
Fire Element Polarity Exercises
Fire Element Anatomy: Orthodox & Energetic
Fire Element Protocol
Clinicals (2 clients on Saturday)
The Air Element
Guided Imagery
Air Element Polarity Exercises
Air Element Anatomy: Orthodox & Energetic
Air Element Protocol
Field Trip to a Salt Cave (Halotherapy)
Weekend Four:
The Ether Element
Guided Imagery
Ether Element Polarity Exercises
Ether Element Anatomy: Orthodox & Energetic
Ether Element Protocol
Clinicals (2 clients on Saturday)
Integration of the Five Elements
Guided Imagery
Polarity Exercises for all Five Elements (Student Led)
Five Element Energy Balance Protocol
Foot Terminology Quiz
Hand Massage Protocol
Weekend Five:
Case Studies (Student Presentations)
Five Element/Chakra/Craniosacral Balance Protocol
Certificate Presentations!
Students are required to complete SIX Clinical Sessions for this Course
Clinicals are held on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th days of class
Students will see two clients each of these days (for a total of six)
Students are required to find clients for these sessions
These “clients” can be family members, friends, or acquaintances
There is a charge of $20 for each session to be paid by the Client to the School
GAFEE understands that some students live out town and travel to class, which may make it difficult to find clients for clinicals
GAFEE does have a list of people we can contact to try and fill in these gaps
We do however ask that students make every attempt to find Clinicals clients as this is often the first step to help students begin to build their practice
Specific details for Clinicals will be given on the first day of PR class
* Students must attend all five weekends to fulfill requirements
* Any time missed (late/tardy/hours or days missed) must be made up with the Instructor. Instructor will directly charge the student an hourly rate for make-up time (typically $35-$45/hour)
* Practice Sessions: Students are required to perform twenty-two (22) documented home practice sessions which must be completed to obtain course certificate
* Personal Sessions: Students are required to receive two (2) one-hour sessions from an experienced Polarity Reflexology Practitioner. Payment for these sessions will go directly to the Practitioner
* Additional Home Study Assignments (reading, anatomy, Polarity/Foot Exercises, etc.)
* Case Studies: Students are required to do research and then write two (2) illustrative case studies. Students will present at least one of their case studies on the last day of class
* Evaluations: Instructors are constantly observing and monitoring each students’ progress. Students must complete all clinicals in a satisfactory manner.
* Student must fulfill ALL requirements and be current in their payment plan to obtain Course Certificate
Required Books and Charts:
Holistic Reflexology, the eight principles, by Glenda Hodge - ISBN-13: 978-0646542683
Reading Toes: Your Feet As Reflections of Your Personality, by Imre Somogyi - ISBN: 0 85207 310 0
Understanding Your Chakras (chart) - $5. Can be purchased through AromaTools: https://www.aromatools.com/books-media/educational-materials/chakras-chart.html
Polarity Reflexology (PR) Charts (Provided by GAFEE)
Polarity Reflexology Protocols (Provided by GAFEE)
Additional Information:
Massage Tables: Students are required to purchase their own massage table and bring it each month to class
Polarity Exercises: During each class we will be practicing Polarity Exercises which help to balance each of the Five Elements. Students may wish to bring a yoga mat to use during these exercises